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MemberDogRegistered Name
Debra Lazaro-Sweeney Shane Esquire's Shane
01-11-2013 USDAA APS
03-11-2012 AKC MACH
02-28-2010 AKC MX
11-22-2009 AKC MXJ
08-09-2009 USDAA SCH
08-09-2009 USDAA SM
08-09-2009 USDAA ADCh
04-26-2009 USDAA JM
04-26-2009 USDAA PM
03-28-2009 AKC XF
04-12-2008 AKC OF
07-07-2013 AKC Shane earned QQ #4 towards AKC Nationals this weekend at LCDC, going 5 for 6!
04-22-2012 USDAA At the Mid-Atlantic Regional, Shane's PVP team Q'd and placed 16th. Shane also placed 3rd in round 1 of Perf Grand Prix and advanced into finals. He wound up 11th overall. Shane also placed 10th in Perf steeplechase round 1 and advanced to finals.
08-21-2011 USDAA Shane earned his Tournament Master - Silver this weekend at On Target's USDAA trial with a 2nd place in Performance Speed Jumping
07-09-2011 USDAA Shane took first place im Master Snooker with a Super Q
06-12-2011 USDAA At the USDAA Northeast Regionals, Shane Q'd in Master Gamblers (5th), Master Jumpers (2nd), International Std (1st), Grand Prix Round one (5th)
04-10-2011 USDAA Shane and I went 7 for 7 at the USDAA Mid Atlantic Showcase in PA this weekend. Shane's team placed 4th (3rd in Std, 4th in Snooker, 5th in Jumpers and Qs in Gamblers and Relay), Q in Steeplechase and Q with 3rd in Grand Prix. Plus he was ranked the #2 dog in the 22 inch division for the weekend! :-)
12-31-2009 USDAA BARK trial- NH, Shane earned his Tournament Master Bronze, Snooker Champion Bronze, placed 4th in Grand Prix and took 1st place in Steeplechase
05-17-2009 AKC Shane earned his CDX obedience title
04-26-2009 USDAA Placed 3rd in Steeplechase Tournament class at Head Over Tails